7 skills you need to become a successful real estate investor.

Real estate is a fundamental and competitive business, so it is extremely important that potential investors acquire the necessary skills before embarking on their investment journey.

There are seven skills you need to become a successful real estate investor:
  1. Market research and analysis
  2. Conversation
  3. Property management
  4. Financial management
  5. Tenant management
  6. Project management
  7. Patience

Each of these skills is necessary at different stages of the investment process, from finding the right property to managing tenants and maintaining the value of your asset.
A clear understanding of each key skill will help you make informed decisions throughout your investment career and maximize your chances of becoming successful investors.

1. Market research and analysis
Before investing in any real estate, it is important to do some research on what real estate is available, how much it costs and whether it meets your needs. This is known as market analysis. It can also be called Due Diligence.
The first thing you need to do is to determine very quickly whether the possibility of buying a property is a DEAL or NOT a DEAL.

When you start, it will take you a lot of time and may actually dissuade you from investigating a large number of transactions because you simply don't have time.
Market analysis includes collecting information about the area and identifying properties that can potentially generate income.
This can be done by studying current market trends and analyzing historical data using sites such as Zoopla and RightMove.
This also includes learning what other people are doing in the same area, what rents are charged and how similar properties are being sold. This will allow you to determine which areas are working well and which can be improved.

2. Negotiations
Negotiations are an important part of any transaction, whether it's buying or selling a house. And this is a skill that will be used far beyond the initial stage of purchase. For example, you can negotiate:
Prices for repair work
Real Estate Management Prices
Tenant Agreement
Marketing services
Negotiation is the process of discussing terms with another person in order to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. This can be a difficult task, but it's important to do it right if you want to come out on top. There are a few key points to keep in mind when negotiating:

1. Be prepared to compromise. No one likes to feel that they are being forced into an agreement they don't want, so be prepared to make some concessions to get what you need.

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If it is difficult for you to negotiate, do not hesitate to ask your friends or family members for help. They may have more experience than you, and they can provide valuable information on how best to approach the situation.

3. Be honest. If you make any false promises during negotiations, it can lead to serious problems in the future. Always be truthful and let your opponent know exactly what you are offering and what you expect in return.

4. Stay calm. Negotiations can often escalate into heat, especially if both sides are unhappy with the result. The last thing you want is to lose control of the situation and say something that you will regret later. Stay calm and stay focused.

3. Property Management
After you have found a suitable property, the next step comes – property management. Manage the day-to-day management of the property, making sure that your tenant pays the rent on time and keeps everything clean and tidy.

This work has many aspects, including:
  • Search for a suitable tenant
  • Payment tracking
  • Ensuring timely repairs
  • Solving maintenance issues
  • Resolution of disputes between landlord and tenant
  • Maintaining good relations with neighbors
If this is not an area in which you feel comfortable, then appointing a property management company to do this on your behalf may be well spent.

4. Financial Management
When investing in real estate, it is important to manage your finances wisely. Whether you are planning to buy a new home or renovate an existing one, cash flow management is vital.
Here are some tips to help you meet your budget:

Make sure you have a realistic budget for real estate investments. This will help you stay within the allocated funds, and also ensures that you do not overspend on unnecessary functions or repairs.
Stick to a regular maintenance schedule. This will keep your property in good condition and minimize the need for expensive repairs in the future.
Be vigilant when it comes to insurance. Make sure you are aware of all your coverage, as even small omissions can lead to large costs in the future.
Use the services of a management company. These services can help you maintain regular rent payments and will work with tenants on your behalf who are not paying.

If you are unsure about the investment, it is helpful to talk to a financial advisor. They can be a huge help in organizing, setting long-term goals and helping to understand complex financial issues.

If you are not sure whether to invest in any object in Bali, contact me.