We help you choose an investment project based on the expected profitability and volume of investments.
Real estate investments:
We evaluate real estate objects, the possibilities of the territory, transport accessibility, study infrastructure, landscape, social groups. we analyze the profitability from the purchase and sale or rental of real estate and provide you with investment objects.
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Investments in development projects:
We develop the ideology and concept of the project, select a plot of land, offer architectural solutions, analyze the return on investment, build real estate and sell or transfer to the management of a management company that provides dividend income.
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Property management:
We take real estate objects into management, carry out the whole range of measures for effective leasing and provide dividend income.
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We carry out a full range of measures for the selection, purchase, transaction, leasing and sale of your real estate
Selection of investment real estate
We select real estate in Bali, taking into account the planned profitability. We demonstrate objects, meet and accompany at all stages of the transaction.
Property management
We manage real estate. We attract tenants, organize service personnel and provide owners with high profitability.
Sale of real estate
We sell real estate on the secondary market with a yield of 10 -20% per year. The profitability depends on the location, at what stage of the construction of the object it was purchased and the quality of building materials
Selection of land plots
We select land plots in Bali and throughout Indonesia, for specific tasks. We purchase plots and register them as property.
Construction of facilities
We build villas, hotel complexes, retreat centers, restaurants taking into account economic liquidity.
Installment plan
When buying on the primary market, it is possible to receive installments from a construction company.
Equity participation
If the entire amount is not enough to invest with the proposed yield, you can invest part of the funds. The return on investment is calculated individually, depending on the object of investment.
Legal assistance
1.Independent Due Diligence - a procedure for compiling an objective view of the investment object, including an assessment of investment risks, an independent assessment of the investment object, a comprehensive study of the company's activities, a comprehensive check of its financial condition and market position - $ 2,000
2.Transaction support - $ 1,000
This procedure is performed upon request and at the expense of the investor.